
At UFCW 1518, we believe that we are stronger together. We are a member-driven union that fights for fair wages and benefits, job security, and workplace safety and respect. We are the leading experts on workers’ rights in the retail and industrial food industries, and we leverage our experience and worker solidarity to negotiate strong contracts that make a positive impact for our members.

As an affiliate member of UFCW Canada and UFCW International, we are part of a movement 1.3 million members strong. We use our voice and the power of our membership to speak up on issues that impact our communities, advocating for a living wage, standing up against discrimination, and fighting for strong workplace protections.

If you are an industrial food worker and are interested in joining a union, scroll down to learn more about how we can improve your job and help you overcome problems at work.


Fair Wages

Industrial food workers deserve fair pay for their hard work. We will help you to negotiate higher wages, better perks, and regularly scheduled raises so you can take home more.

Job Security

You deserve a stable job so you can plan for your future. Union members have protection against unjust discipline and arbitrary firings. We will stand up for your seniority rights, so your years of dedication are recognized.


We seek to gain more benefits for our members including employer-paid, health and dental plans, paid meal breaks, safety shoe reimbursement, and more.

Health & Safety

Nothing is more important than your health. Union workplaces are safer workplaces because members, health & safety reps, and union staff work together to make them that way. It’s strength in numbers.


You can’t plan ahead unless you know when you’re working. We can help negotiate a regular work schedule that is posted several weeks ahead. We will also fight for adequate breaks between shifts so you can get the rest you need.

Education & Training

All UFCW 1518 members have access to our Education Month training sessions and WebCampus courses. We offer many scholarships to members and their dependents. We can also negotiate employer-paid training like First Aid.


Management will know if I signed a union card or voted to join the union.


Management will never know who signed cards or how you voted – the process is 100% confidential. We will never tolerate retaliation against workers who are in favour of unionizing.


Union dues are expensive.


Union dues for new units are no more than 2% of your wages and are 100% tax-deductible. You won’t pay one cent until you vote in your first collective agreement. No benefits, no dues.


I won’t be able to speak directly with management if we join a union.


This is not true. The union only steps in when a worker requests help. Union workers have a stronger voice and more respect, ensuring that their concerns are heard.


Unions just protect lazy workers


There are no union contracts requiring an employer to keep lazy or incompetent workers. We protect workers against unjust dismissals and arbitrary discipline.


If we vote to join the union, I’ll lose the benefits that I have now.


The union will always fight to keep what you have and add the things that you care about. You will be able to negotiate for more!


Joining a union will make our work schedules less flexible.


Scheduling does not have to change if you don’t want it to. We can help negotiate a flexible schedule into a legally binding contract that will not change with new management or owners.


If we vote to join the union, we will go on strike


Strikes are very rare. You have control over strikes through a vote – a majority of your co-workers must be in favour to launch a strike. If that happens, we will provide you with strike pay.


The company will shut down if we unionize and I’ll lose my job.


It is illegal to close a workplace because the employees decide to join a union. No successful business will shut down because the workers decide to organize.


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Wage Increases and Contract Improvements for Workers at NPF Comox

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How will a union make my job better?

Union members have the power of collective bargaining. Rather than negotiating with the employer on your own, you will have the power of the union and your co-workers behind you. Bargaining proposals around wages, benefits, scheduling, and other issues come from the membership, who decide what they will fight for together with the help of union staff.

Once you have voted in your first contract, your union helps to enforce that agreement. We will help you set up a Joint Labour-Management committee so you will have a say in how your workplace is run. We will train your Shop Stewards and Health and Safety Committee Members to solve problems in the workplace and prevent them from escalating. If necessary, we will engage our legal team to protect the integrity of your collective agreement and ensure your employer is following all labour laws.

I’m happy with the way things are now. Why do I need a union?

Securing what you have today into a legally binding contract ensures that what you like about your job stays that way even if there is a change of management and even ownership. Belonging to a union also creates a support network: stewards, union representatives, negotiators and lawyers will be there to ensure you get fair treatment at work.

How do I join a union?

Every British Columbian has the right to join a union. The unionizing process is designed by the government to be 100% confidential. 

Here’s what you need to do to join UFCW 1518:

1) Connect with Us Confidentially
Use our contact form or call us at 1-888-581-1518.

We will get back to you as soon as possible to answer your questions about joining a union.

Know that once you start the process of unionizing, your job is protected by the BC Labour Relations Board.

2) Sign Union Support Cards
Working with staff from our union, you and the majority of your co-workers (45%) sign a support card indicating you would like the BC Labour Relations Board to hold a unionization vote at your workplace.

This process is confidential. Your employer will never have the right to know who did or did not sign. Your employer cannot legally take action against anyone for signing a card.

3) Secret Ballot Vote
When a majority of your co-workers have signed a union card, the BC Labour Relations Board will hold a secret ballot vote to form a union at your workplace.

Vote “Yes” to join the union!