Seniority is No Joke!



Long service workers deserve respect and fairness!

Seniority is no joke. It ensures that workers are treated fairly, according to their experience and years of service, and ensures they are fairly compensated.

Our Safeway members have devoted their careers and lives to Safeway, building its brand as a beloved BC grocer. But new owner Sobeys is threatening to cut their hours – and their benefits – by scheduling hours for new hires rather than long service employees . That’s not funny and it’s not fair! That’s why we are fighting back!

Tell Sobeys that workers who have given their lives to Safeway deserve fair wages and benefits! Send an email to Sobeys to tell them to protect the hours and benefits of Safeway’s most senior workers.

In the meantime, keep shopping at Safeway but share this campaign with your friends and family and encourage them to take action! You can also call Sobeys president Michael Medline at 902-752-8371 or talk to the manager of your local Safeway.