Fighting for fairness in grocery and retail

UFCW 1518’s 14,000+ retail members fight for fairness, safer workplaces, and better wages at hundreds of locations in BC and the Yukon.


UFCW 1518 has been a part of the retail industry for more than 100 years. We are experts in representing the diverse folks that keep our communities fed and stocked up. 

As an affiliate member of UFCW Canada and UFCW International, we are part of a movement 1.3 million members strong that represents workers in small businesses, large companies, and everything in between.

Our retail members enjoy higher wages, better health & safety standards, and more respect at work. We negotiate industry-leading contracts together with engaged workers who stand up for what they believe in. 

But we’re not done fighting for fairness for retail workers. We are always ready to stand at your side and help you get the respect you deserve at work. Learn more about the benefits of joining a union and becoming a part of the UFCW 1518 retail division below.

Our Objectives

Fair wages

Retail workers deserve fair pay for their hard work. We will help you to negotiate higher wages, better perks, and regularly scheduled raises so you can take home more.


There’s more to work than just a paycheque. We fight alongside our members for health and dental benefits, paid breaks, safety shoe reimbursement, paid training, and more.

Job security

You deserve a stable job so you can plan for your future. Union members have protection against unjust discipline and arbitrary firings. We will stand up for your seniority rights, so your years of dedication are recognized.


You can’t plan ahead unless you know when you’re working. We can help negotiate a regular work schedule that is posted several weeks ahead. We will also fight for adequate breaks between shifts so you can get the rest you need.

Health & Safety

Nothing is more important than your health. Union workplaces are safer workplaces because members, health & safety reps, and union staff work together to make them that way. It’s strength in numbers.

Education & Training

All UFCW 1518 members have access to our Education Month training sessions and WebCampus courses. We offer many scholarships to members and their dependents. We can also negotiate employer-paid training like First Aid.

Fair wages

Retail workers deserve fair pay for their hard work. We will help you to negotiate higher wages, better perks, and regularly scheduled raises so you can take home more.


There’s more to work than just a paycheque. We fight alongside our members for health and dental benefits, paid breaks, safety shoe reimbursement, paid training, and more.

Job security

You deserve a stable job so you can plan for your future. Union members have protection against unjust discipline and arbitrary firings. We will stand up for your seniority rights, so your years of dedication are recognized.


You can’t plan ahead unless you know when you’re working. We can help negotiate a regular work schedule that is posted several weeks ahead. We will also fight for adequate breaks between shifts so you can get the rest you need.

Health & Safety

Nothing is more important than your health. Union workplaces are safer workplaces because members, health & safety reps, and union staff work together to make them that way. It’s strength in numbers.

Education & Training

All UFCW 1518 members have access to our Education Month training sessions and WebCampus courses. We offer many scholarships to members and their dependents. We can also negotiate employer-paid training like First Aid.

Frequently Asked Questions

Take the next step: Apply to join