Since you opened this page, Whole Foods owner Jeff Bezos made:


That's more than .

Meanwhile, the starting wage for a Whole Foods cashier is $17 per hour.

Don't think that's good enough? Neither do we.

Whole Foods workers deserve to be treated with respect and fairness. You deserve fair wages and benefits, job security and a schedule you can count on. You deserve real workplace improvements for your essential work, not fake appreciation events.

Joining UFCW 1518 means you have the power of a union behind you when fighting for what you deserve. Joining our union means we fight for fairness together, using the collective agreement, which defines your rights and outlines a process for ensuring you are treated with respect and dignity.

Why join?

UFCW 1518 members in a group shot at a retail conference in 2022.

Your rights

How do I join a union?

Connect with us confidentially

Use our Contact form or call us at 1-888-581-1518. We will get back to you as soon as possible to answer your questions about joining a union. Know that once you start the process of unionizing, your job is protected by the BC Labour Relations Board.

Sign union cards

Working with staff from our union, you and your co-workers will sign support cards indicating that you want to join UFCW 1518. When enough of you sign a card, you will win your union!

This process is confidential. Your employer will never have the right to know who did or did not sign. Your employer cannot legally take action against anyone for signing a card.

We give notice to the employer

When the BC Labour Relations Board certifies you and your coworkers as members of UFCW 1518, union staff will contact your employer to begin the bargaining process. You will elect coworkers to represent you in bargaining.

Bargaining begins

You and your co-workers submit proposals for your new contract/collective agreement in your workplace. Your new contract will spell out wages, benefits, respect and job security. We will help guide you through the bargaining process.

Contact us in confidence

Any information you share with us is kept 100% confidential. Your employer will never know that you contacted our union.