UFCW 1518 Calls on Uber and Passenger Transportation Board to Recognize Drivers as Employees as Company Seeks to Expand Services to Victoria and Kelowna

Today, Uber announced that they will seek approval to expand into Victoria and Kelowna. The ride hailing company has put in an application to the Passenger Transportation Board for the right to operate in the two cities. “As Uber continues to expand its services, we renew our call for the company to respect workers’ rights to join a union and to grant them the basic protections that all employees deserve like a minimum wage and WCB coverage,” said UFCW 1518 President Kim Novak. “Ride hailing drivers across North America have been standing up to demand better working conditions and respect. Uber must treat these workers fairly if it wants to continue growing in British Columbia.” Uber Black drivers in Toronto recently unionized, joining UFCW Canada, and won rulings in their battle to be recognized as employees in the Ontario Supreme Court. In California, a judge recently sided with Uber and Lyft drivers, ordering the companies to treat them as employees rather than independent contractors. Employee status would extend vacation pay, a minimum wage, WorkSafe BC coverage, and other critical benefits to Uber drivers who otherwise don’t receive these basic protections. UFCW 1518 welcomes Uber to British Columbia and does not object to their expansion into Victoria and Kelowna, but the union wants the Passenger Transportation Board to ensure that the company treats drivers fairly and in accordance with the law. Uber and Lyft drivers who are interested in joining a union can learn more at ufcw1518.com/drivers-united.