Posties on strike! How to support CUPW members

The Canadian Union of Postal Workers (CUPW) began a series rotating 24-hour strikes this week in locations across Canada, including Victoria BC. CUPW represents 50,000 postal workers who are striking for improved health and safety, gender equality and good, full-time jobs. The union is asking fellow workers to support their fight for fairness by posting encouraging messages on social media and writing supportive letters to the editor. CUPW is also asking people to contact Prime Minister, Minister  of Public Services and Procurement Carla Qualtrough and Canada Post interim President Jessica McDonald and urge them to do what’s right for workers. “Our members are dedicated to serving the people of this country,” wrote the union in a statement. “We do not want to take strike action but we have been pushed into a corner. Almost a year of negotiations and Canada Post refuses to address our major issues. We are sending a message that we will not back down, that we will fight for what is right.” Contact those with the power to make good things happen for CUPW workers:
Jessica L. McDonald
Interim President & CEO of Canada Post email:
Justin Trudeau
Prime Minister of Canada email: OR tweet: @JustinTrudeau call: 1.613.992.4211
Carla Qualtrough
Minister of Public Services & Procurement &  MP for Delta, BC email: tweet: @CQualtro call: 613-992-2957