UFCW 1518 Commemorates Black History Month

In the month of February we commemorate Black History Month. While the recognition of Black Excellence and history should not be limited to a single month, this dedicated period serves as a deliberate call for us to intentionally reflect. In February we not only acknowledge historic and continued racism faced by Black communities in Canada and across the world, but also recognize and amplify the extraordinary achievements and contributions made by Black individuals—nowhere more evident than in the labour movement.

We celebrate the integral role Black activists have played and continue to play in advancing workers’ rights. From the Anti-Slavery Society of Canada to the pioneering labour activism of the Order of Sleeping Car Porters and beyond, the efforts of Black organizers, workers, and activists have been at the forefront of the fight for emancipation, safe working conditions, fair compensation, and equal rights.

We take pride in highlighting the exceptional accomplishments of Black members within the union and the wider labour movement. These individuals’ contributions enrich the movement, and reinforce the belief that it is our diversity and collective strength that empower us to make positive change.

If you are interested in learning more about Black History, UFCW Canada has introduced an “On the go” web campus course dedicated to Black History Month for members. We strongly encourage members to enrol in the course, which provides an opportunity to gain a deeper understanding of the importance this month holds. Throughout February, we will also be be sharing resources for self education on the continued barriers faced by Black individuals around the world, and how you can practice intentional allyship.

UFCW 1518 reaffirms our commitment to anti-racism, and we continue to strive towards building stronger, more equitable, and more inclusive communities. Together we reflect and celebrate, while actively working towards a future where every individual is treated with respect and dignity.
