Colonial Farms Workers Ratify Five Year Agreement with Major Wage Increases

UFCW 1518 members at Colonial Farms in Armstrong, B.C. have ratified a five-year collective agreement that features major wage and workplace improvements.

The Bargaining Committee, consisting of workers William Maw and Kelly Burden and lead negotiator Shari Jensen, fought hard for major wage increases and other member-driven bargaining proposals.

The new contract has several important changes. Some highlights include:

  • Percentage based wage increases each year.
    • 2021: 3.25%
    • 2022: 2%
    • 2023: 2%
    • 2024: 2%
    • 2025: 2.25%
  • A 3.25% raise retroactive to October 1, 2020.
  • Increases to pension contributions.
  • Increases to off-shift premiums.
  • An increase to the boot allowance.
  • Benefit qualification cut down by one-half (down to 2,080 hours instead of 5,300 hours).

A strong majority of the workers at Colonial Farms voted in the new agreement on March 4.

“Colonial Farms workers have been helping to keep their community fed throughout the COVID-19 crisis,” said UFCW 1518 President Kim Novak. “This new contract recognizes their essential role and the value they bring to their work every day.”

Workers in industrial food processing who are interested in joining a union and fighting for fairness can learn more about UFCW 1518 at