Joining UFCW 1518 means you have the power of a union behind you when fighting for what you deserve. We fight for fairness together, ensuring you are treated with respect and dignity.

Want to learn more about the steps to forming a union? Enter your email to receive our detailed guide.

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Why join a union?

Win changes in your workplace

When you’re in a union, you and your co-workers have greater control over how things are done in your workplace. If there’s a change you want to see – to scheduling, pay. benefits or anything else – we can help you fight to win it.

Protect your rights and benefits at work

As a union member, your rights will be set out in a legally enforceable contract. From your health benefits to the pay scale, your livelihood is more secure in a union.

Be part of a movement to raise standards across your industry

Unions have been at the forefront of expanding workers’ rights, from historic battles for weekends and the minimum wage to recent wins on paid sick leave and dental care. Union jobs set a high standard that lifts up everyone in your sector.

How do I join a union?

Connect with us confidentially

Apply to join using the form below or call us at 1-888-581-1518. We will get back to you as soon as possible to help you through the process of forming a union. Once you start the process of unionizing, your job is protected by the BC Labour Relations Board.

Sign union cards

Working with staff from our union, you and your co-workers will sign support cards indicating that you want to join UFCW 1518. When enough of you sign a card, you will win your union!

This process is confidential. Your employer will never have the right to know who did or did not sign. Your employer cannot legally take action against anyone for signing a card.

Win your union

When 55% of workers in your workplace have signed a union card, the Labour Board will automatically certify a union at your workplace. After that, you will elect a Bargaining Committee to represent workers in negotiations for your new union contract!

Bargaining begins

You and your co-workers submit proposals for your new contract/collective agreement in your workplace. Your new contract will spell out wages, benefits, respect, job security and more. We will help guide you through the bargaining process.

Want to learn more about the organizing process? Enter your email to receive our detailed guide.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Take the next step: Apply to join